Women + Sexploitation

I started reading “Half the Sky” by Nicholas D. Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn a few nights ago. It’s making me furious. Not mildly irritated like bad soap. Or even ticked off like when someone cuts you off in traffic, causing you to slam on your breaks and want to give them the finger. The emotions … Continue reading

Trust {Book Review}

My roommate handed me this book not long and its already had a good impact on me. Here’s some of the gems you’ll find in it. A Christ-focused life is a stable life, because the joy that comes along with it doesn’t hinge, as do our human emotions, on daily ups and downs. Our only lasting … Continue reading

The Weight of Glory {Book Review}

I never meant to be one of those people who wrote about C.S. Lewis on my blog. Not because there is anything terrible about C.S. Lewis (I’m a major fan) but because it seems like such a spiritually-cliched thing to do. I rediscovered this book in my closet. Dog-eared and worn in from a time … Continue reading

Meet Janice Thompson {Author Interview}

Meet Janice Hanna (Thompson), author extrodiaire. Janice has published more than 70 books, many magazine articles, and a handful of musical comedies. She’s an active part of the writing community in Texas. Janice popped by to talk about her newest book, Love Finds You in Groom, Texas. Before we jump into the interview, here’s a … Continue reading

The Charlatan’s Boy {Book Review}

The Charlatan’s Boy is a delightful story about a little boy who travels with a swindler. Not just any kind of swindler; a traveling showman who could be a Doctor selling potions one week and an exotic hunter the next. But for the longest time, Grady believed it when Floyd billed him as Feechie. Want … Continue reading