Women + Sexploitation

I started reading “Half the Sky” by Nicholas D. Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn a few nights ago. It’s making me furious. Not mildly irritated like bad soap. Or even ticked off like when someone cuts you off in traffic, causing you to slam on your breaks and want to give them the finger. The emotions … Continue reading

Green {book review}

Green is the perfect book for a long layover at the airport. Noisy kids and disgruntled adults will fade into the background as you quickly turn the pages. Tedd Dekker’s latest installment in the story of Thomas brings everything full circle – pun intended by the author. Depending on how far you’ve gone in the … Continue reading

Reading is an addiction

I read too much. Last Thursday, I read Ghostwriter by Travis Thrasher on my way to my family reunion. I don’t know if that’s the author’s real name but it is what’s on the books so I don’t ask questions. I’m generally not in a mood for suspense/supernatural thrillers but this book proved to change … Continue reading