
‎//My soul claims the Lord as my inheritance; therefore I will hope in Him. – Lam. 3:24//   I came across that verse sometime this weekend. In my reading, I’ve been hopping between Psalms and Jude. Somewhere in the middle of the page turning, I landed firmly in Lamentations. Not my favorite book of the … Continue reading


Two weeks ago, my friend Nathan, approached me with an idea. He was excited and as he’s not one for dramatics, I paid attention. While the Texas sun beat down, I listened as he told about the newest project that he felt the Lord had put on his heart. As he spoke, he became more … Continue reading

Bible + Beach = Bliss

I used to love going to the beach. Sitting on the cold, damp sand. Feeling it squish between my toes. A sweater usually skimmed my torso, providing a kind barrier to the Pacific winds that would otherwise chill me to the bone. If I was lucky, I’d climb up on a piece of driftwood – … Continue reading

Newest Treasure

Obtained over my lunch break.  I’m rediculously excited about it. I’ve been looking at the piece for quite awhile but decided to just go ahead and buy it today. It’s going in my bathroom to remind me to face the day confidently in the LORD. You’re going to want to check out the seller. Her … Continue reading

Bible Study for Grownups.

I was called a sweet child last night. Let me back up for a second. I signed up for a women’s Bible study at church. Church shopping has gotten incredibly old, so I decided that instead of always wandering, I was going to show up and commit. So when a women’s Bible study was announced, … Continue reading